Dienstag, 11. März 2008

New Developments

For one, it's "bzr branch http://lukas.einfachkaffee.de/bzr/mokeladmin-rewrite/" - an afford to rewrite our mail(/dns) management platform by mostly Jan-Christoph and I. And then, I'm now famous. Don't believe it? Have a look here (at the bottom, under 'Aficionados'). Thanks for linking, jr! And then, there's a new Münster-based coffee startup called sonntagmorgen (sunday morning), that let's you blend your own blends online. I'll visit them this week and see what their coffee is like and what they do. And then, there's roasterBase, a coffee roasting profile database (sort of), that soon might get a web two dot zero beta social community component to it. And then, there's life, that's in between everything. And then, good night!

And then, in an update, there's a list of blogs that I read and might update every now and then. Suggestions welcome.

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